The program code for defining the hatch is very similar to the code for color gradients. In addition to pure strings, text documents also contain formatting information. Some DOS-specific file and directory functions are no longer provided in LibreOffice, or their function is only limited. The Chart object provides the following properties for administrating these elements: Both services and do support the service A dialog containing a label and a list box. Line charts provide the following properties: Area charts ( service) support two X-axes, two Y-axes and one Z-axis. The fill mode of a drawing object is defined using the FillStyle property. Upon closer inspection, the following code sequence. The DrawPages container of a drawing document is also used to create and delete individual pages. Another mechanism for changing the text of headers and footers is available for text documents (LibreOffice Writer) because these consist of a single block of text. In the latter examples, the code will be executed at least once. = 1. Here are a few examples of Variant variables: The variables declared in the previous example can even be used for different variable types in the same program. (When listing the service name of a text field, uppercase and lowercase characters should be used in LibreOffice Basic, as in the previous example.). These are: The following example shows how a query object can be created in a program-controlled manner and can be assigned to a data source. You can use these properties to trigger an event within an event handler. A table is usually accessed in LibreOffice through the ResultSet object. If, on the other hand, the Basic interpreter first converts the start values B and C into a string and applies the plus operator to the result, it produces the string 11. The CellAddress structure provides the following values: The cell contents in the target range are always overwritten by the moveRange method. Until Basic encounters the End With statement, it looks for partly-qualified names: names that begin with a period (unary dot-operator). LibreOffice Basic provides the following test functions for this purpose: These functions are especially useful when querying user input. When working with LibreOffice documents, it is useful to deal with some of the basic issues of document administration in LibreOffice. The Exit For instruction allows you to exit a For loop prematurely. These in turn can be linked to LibreOffice Basic macros to considerably extend the usage range of LibreOffice Basic. The IsMissing function checks whether a parameter has been passed or is left out. The column objects support the service that has the following properties: The width of a column is only optimized when the OptimalWidth property is set to True. In some instances, an object may contain a list of subordinate objects that cannot be addressed by either a name or an index. The easiest way is to assign the format properties directly to the text sequence. The following example steps through all the paragraphs of a text: The example first creates a ParagraphEnumeration auxiliary object. The functions responsible are insertByName, removeByName and replaceByName. The objective of developing this interface was to provide access to as many different data sources as possible. The function ensures that the variable is actually assigned the correct value regardless of the country-specific settings. StarOffice 5: StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL supersedes the Documents.Add and Documents.Open methods from the old LibreOffice API. An option button control element provides two properties: You can also use the following properties from the model of the option buttons: To combine several option buttons in a group, you must position them one after another in the activation sequence without any gaps (Model.TabIndex property, described as Order in the dialog editor). This guide provides an introduction to programming with LibreOffice Basic. For all axes an additional title can be displayed. Paragraph portions displayed in bold type are marked using a HTML element when exporting. The TimeSerial function formats time details in the same way that the DateSerial function formats dates: Their parameters should be specified in the sequence: hours, minutes, seconds. Each of these formats has an internal number that is used to assign the format to cells using the NumberFormat property. The amount of time that a variable is retained, as well as where it can be accessed from, depends on its specified location and type. The text frame is created using the createInstance method of the document object. In general, Basic does not look inside a container, such as an Object, to see what names might be defined there. This new chart is then visible to the user. The StyleFamilies are accessed by means of the document object: The example uses the StyleFamilies property of a spreadsheet document to establish a list containing all available cell styles. VBA: Through their ValueItemList property, list box forms provide a counterpart to the VBA property, ItemData, through which you can administer additional information for individual list entries. The Assign Action dialog lists all the available Events. If the corresponding sheet does not exist, it is created by the createInstance call and inserted in the spreadsheet document by the insertByName method. The createInstance method, which is defined in the XMultiServiceFactory interface, is used in particular in the document objects. The view of the control element can then be determined with the assistance of the model and using the document controller. At this point, only some of the abstract aspects of objects, for which the LibreOffice API provides some central interfaces, are discussed. LibreOffice presentations are based on drawing documents. Using the DBG_ properties is a very crude method to discover the contents of an API objects. The Diagram object provides the following properties to access the grids: The grid object is based on the service, which in turn supports the line properties of the support service (refer to #Drawings and Presentations). The following example uses the String property to display the first words of a sentence in a message box: The first word of each sentence can be modified in the same way using the String property: If the TextCursor contains a highlighted area, an assignment to the String property replaces this with the new text. The handle is then used as a parameter for the Open instruction, which opens the file. Here we rename the first page of the drawing document. In many situations, it is useful to group several individual drawing objects together so that they behave as a single large object. For charts in which the values of the various rows of data deviate significantly from one another, LibreOffice provides a second X and Y-axis for second scaling operations. Any modifications made to the data within the spreadsheet will also be reflected in the assigned chart. VBA: The rules for constructing markers are different in LibreOffice Basic than in VBA. The value is then changed to 20 and passed to TheValue, which is retained when the function is exited. In addition to the properties for characters ( service, refer to #Text Documents) and lines ( service, refer to #Drawings and Presentations), it provides the following properties: For the primary axes grids and sub grids can be displayed, matching to the major and minor intervals. These are presented in detail in the #Introduction to the LibreOffice API. The same interface provides the method remove to delete (remove) a page: A copy of a given page is created, not from the DrawPages container, but from the drawing document itself with the method duplicate. This code shows that you do not get the type that you specify. The preceding call returns a page object that supports the service. RectangleShape.String = "This is a test" You can copy or move subs, functions, modules and libraries from one file to another by using the Macro dialog. Unlike in the InsertCells method , a parameter for performing automatic moves is not provided in the moveRange method. The control elements of dialogs and forms differ in several aspects. A database connection is needed for access to a database. Slide 3 will be changed into Slide 4, etc. This includes the way in which file names are structured for LibreOffice documents, as well as the format in which files are saved. StarOffice 5: The Value, String, and Formula properties supersede the old PutCell method of StarOffice 5 for setting the values of a table cell. This service can be addressed in LibreOffice Basic using the global name StarDesktop. For more in-depth information please refer to the BASIC Programming Guide on the Wiki. LibreOffice, the best free and open source office suite. It can be combined with the period as a placeholder for any character. This list provides the following elements: You can also add the constants together to delete different information using a call from clearContents. This section, however, provides little information about the functions specified, but instead concentrates on the programming interface from SDBC, which allows for automated database querying and therefore permits a much greater range of applications to be used. The symbol bars provided by LibreOffice show the common text properties such as font type, weight and size. Instead of producing an error message, the interpreter initializes the typing error as a new variable with a value of 0. Anyone who has previously worked with other Basic languages in particular with Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) from Microsoft will quickly become accustomed to LibreOffice Basic. Since other pages of the Developer's Guide . A space in a local file name therefore, for example, becomes a %20 in the URL. A chart may contain its own data or may display data from the container document. A loop executes a code block for the number of passes that are specified. In particular, if such a request is made by pressing the right mouse button on the control, the event will be fired twice: once for the popup menu request, and once for the real mouse event. The corresponding counterparts of the TextCursor object in LibreOffice are described in the following sections. In the Dialog Editor, the property values are shown symbolically, as Default (0), Okay (1), and Cancel (2). LibreOffice provides the service for more complicated tasks, including navigating backward within a document or navigating based on sentences and words rather than TextPortions. To get the most out of this book, you should be familiar with other programming languages. Each cell supports the and services, the main properties of which are described in #Text Documents. Similarly, if you set this value to zero for a control element, the element is displayed on all the tab pages in a dialog. LibreOffice automatically ensures that the relevant data is retrieved from the database, and that any changes made are written back to the database. The runtime library from LibreOffice Basic provides several fundamental functions for these tasks. In this example, the counter begins at 10 and is reduced by 1 at the end of each pass until the counter is 1. A Draw (or Impress) document is composed of pages, also called slides. In addition to this guide, you can get more information about objects from the following sources: the supportsService method, the debug methods as well as the Developer's Guide, and the API reference. The following example lists the names of data source queries can be established in a message box. Since LibreOffice Basic uses the country-specific settings of the operating system when converting a string into a date value, the expression shown previously only functions correctly if the country-specific settings match the string expression. The following example shows how a bookmark can be found within a text, and a text inserted at its position. The SetAttr function permits the properties of a file to be changed. The methods for inserting and deleting rows use the Rows object function in the same way as the methods shown for editing columns using the Columns object. This example inserts a cells range that is two rows by two columns in size into the second column and row (each bear the number 1) of the first sheet (number 0) in the spreadsheet. It may not be available in all types of documents. A table consists of individual rows. The following sections present the central functions of the runtime library: In many situations, circumstances arise in which a variable of one type has to be changed into a variable of another type. The Dialog Editor: Creates personal dialog windows and provides scope for the adding of control elements and event handlers. You can open a dialog with the following code: CreateUnoDialog creates an object called Dlg that references the associated dialog. You can close a dialog by clicking the close button on the title bar of the dialog window. A struct is an ordered collection of data fields, that can be manipulated as a single item. Documents are opened, imported and created using the method StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(URL, Frame, SearchFlags, FileProperties) The first parameter of loadComponentFromURL specifies the URL of the associated file. The inner loop processes the paragraph portions in these paragraphs. Function calls, mathematical expressions, and other linguistic elements, such as function and loop headers, must be completed on the same line that they begin on. While XNameAccess permits access to the individual objects, XNameContainer takes on the insertion, modification and deletion of elements. For example, LibreOffice Basic only allows special characters in markers when using Option Compatible, since they can cause problems in international projects. The text frame is therefore inserted directly in the text flow and behaves like a character. 257x267pxThe LibreOffice Basic development environment. The text frame created in this way can then be inserted in the document using the insertTextContent method of the Text object. When it is used with 4 arguments, to replace a sub-string in a string, Mid is an instruction, not a function: it does not return any value! Changes made to the variables are retained when the procedure or function is exited: In this example, the value A that is defined in the Test function is passed as a parameter to the ChangeValue function. The Basic interpreter first calculates the result of the addition process and then converts this into a string, which, as its result, produces the string 2. LibreOffice Basic provides the MsgBox and InputBox functions for basic user communication. Although you can use the + operator to concatenate strings, the Basic interpreter can become confused when concatenating a number to a string. In the simplest scenario, these are the X and Y-axes. LibreOffice Basic recognizes but ignores this keyword, because this is already the default procedure in LibreOffice Basic. This supports the service, which in turn provides two central interfaces: LibreOffice documents are saved directly through the document object. In addition to direct formatting, you can also format text using templates. LibreOffice dialogs and forms are based on an event-oriented programming model where you can assign event handlers to the control elements. Here is an overview of the most important formatting properties and the points at which they are explained: The format properties are by no means restricted to the applications in which these are explained, but instead can be used universally. This is an object-oriented programming interface which LibreOffice sub-divides into various objects which for their part ensure program-controlled access to the Office package. A LibreOffice Basic program can contain dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of markers, which are names for variables, constants, functions . The assignment does not need to be placed at the end of the function, but can be made anywhere in the function. The method getTextTables() of the text document object is used for this purpose: Note: For example, the TextCursor in the following example. Character objects in UNO, for example, provide the getPosition and setPosition methods through which the associated key point can be called up and changed. This allows the paragraphs to be edited. To do so, the method of formatting individual table cells must be used. At the end of the program code, the error handling is deactivated by the On Error Goto 0 call and the procedure implementation is ended by the Exit Sub command (not to be confused with End Sub). VBA: The page properties (page margins, borders, and so on) for a Microsoft Office document are defined by means of a PageSetup object at the Worksheet object (Excel) or Document object (Word) level. The Diagram object provides the following properties to access the axes: The axis objects of a LibreOffice chart support the service. The following properties of an option button are available through its model object: The mechanism for grouping option buttons distinguishes between the control elements for dialogs and forms. When LibreOffice Basic encounters an incorrectly defined variable type in a particular context, an error message is generated. Note: This chapter presents the central interfaces and services of text documents. In the hexadecimal system, the numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F are used as numbers. value in the left-hand text field of the header from the "Default" template. The StarDesktop object replaces the Application object of StarOffice 5 which previously applied as a root object. To improve clarity, you should avoid using Option Base 1. LibreOffice provides a programming interface in the form of the Universal Network Objects (UNO). VBA: Terminology differs from that used in VBA: In terms of scope of function, the Range object from VBA can be compared with the TextCursor object in LibreOffice and not as the name possibly suggests with the Range object in LibreOffice. The following example creates a red rectangle with a transparency of 50 percent. The method for accessing the shape objects of a control element also uses the corresponding drawing level of the document. Routine tasks can therefore be automated in LibreOffice Basic, links can be made to other programs for example to a database server and complex activities can be performed at the press of a button by using predefined scripts. Functions and procedures can receive one or more parameters. VBA: In VBA, RmDir produces an error message if a directory contains a file. A ResultSet is a type of marker that indicates a current set of data within a volume of results obtained using the SELECT command. This property receives a PropertyValue data field with the following settings: The following example shows how a printer can be changed and the paper size set with the help of the Printer property. Each of these documents may contain several spreadsheets. To use bitmap projection as a fill, you must set the FillStyle property to BITMAP. The insertNewByIndex method is obtained from the interface. In the previous example, if the UserInput variable contains a valid numerical value, then this is assigned to the ValidInput variable. The following example shows a double loop which passes over all paragraphs of a text document and the paragraph portions they contain and applies the replacement processes from the previous example: The example runs through a text document in a double loop. If you do have such collision, Basic may produce strange runtime error messages, or your Sub may not work. The procedure for defining page formats differs from other forms of formatting. It then creates an object that supports the service and uses the Add method to add the rectangle and the circle to this object. Forms, on the other hand, are displayed directly in the document, just like drawing elements. If there is not enough space, or if this results in long lines, then several lines can be linked together by adding underscores _. If a document has one page and this is called Slide 1, then the following examples are identical. VBA: LibreOffice Basic does not support the VBA Like comparison operator. Templates for formatting characters, paragraphs, and pages, Non-text elements such as tables, graphics and drawing objects, A period within a search expression stands for any character. You can apply all the named properties to individual cells and to cell ranges. The structure is further complicated by tables. As a parameter, this takes the name of the property and returns a constant that provides information about the origin of the formatting. The associated service supports line and fill properties. The following example shows how a database context can be created and then used to determine the names of all data sources available. The service grants access to the content of a paragraph. Visit Andrew Pitonyak's web page to get the latest PDF and ODT files of his book LibreOffice is a cross-platform, open source office suite. The type declaration symbol for a currency variable is @. The values are interchanged as pairs several times until they are finally sorted in ascending order. Download PDF. Note: Download PDF. It combines all the pages within the spreadsheet. Furthermore, it creates a data field for two PropertyValue entries named PrinterProperties. Queries are used to simplify working with databases because they can be opened with a simple mouse click and also provide users without any knowledge of SQL with the option of issuing SQL commands. This procedure differs from VBA. The interpreter, which is needed to run LibreOffice Basic macros. Libreoffice basic programming guide pdf Anyone who is already familiar with LibreOffice Basic programming can find additional information in the Developer's Guide on LibreOffice Basic and LibreOffice programming. push of a normal button, you can also close an open dialog window with the endExecute method: The dialog object must be accessible from the event routine. Java LibreOffice Programming (JLOP) is intended for programmers who want to learn how to use the Java version of the LibreOffice API. It only allows iteration to be applied forward, and for values to be interrogated. The WaitUntil statement provides a greater degree of compatibility with VBA parameter usage. They can, however, only be used in tables that do not contain merged table cells. These can be used with any graphic within LibreOffice whose appearance can be adapted using a whole range of properties. The example creates an Enumeration object on the basis of this list, with which all text fields can be queried in turn in a loop. LibreOffice Basic provides the getPropertyState method, with which programmers can check how a certain property was formatted. The properties for formatting headers are: The properties for formatting footers are: The content of headers and footers in a spreadsheet is accessed through the following properties: If you do not need to distinguish between headers or footers for odd and even pages (the FooterIsShared property is False), then set the properties for headers and footers on odd pages. The service term used in LibreOffice Basic therefore corresponds to the type and class terms used in other programming languages. An integer variable can take up to two bytes of memory. The following example sets the page size of a drawing document which has just been opened to 20 x 20 centimeters with a page margin of 0.5 centimeters: Warning: The legend has a gray background color, is placed at the bottom of the chart, and has a character size of 7 points. Download PDF. In many instances, it is the case that a text is to be searched for a particular term and the corresponding point needs to be edited. This is because a paragraph in turn consists of individual sub-objects. From a routine called by an event of a control, e.g. It concentrates on tables, text frames, text fields, bookmarks, content directories and more. For example, this object provides a start method that can start presentations. The following properties can be specified: The following example shows how the number of pages can be inserted into the footer of a document. They can be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics ( service). Additional information may be required. This defines what LibreOffice searches for in a document. Similar to saving, documents are printed out directly by means of the document object. You can also move data from the database window into text documents using the drag-and-drop function. VBA: While the type of a field in VBA is specified by a parameter of the Document.Fields.Add method, the name of the service that is responsible for the field type in question defines it in LibreOffice Basic. To define your own color gradient, you need to complete a structure to assign the FillGradient property. The program code then uses the Doc.createInstance call to create the rectangle drawing object as specified by the service. The model object of a form button provides the following properties: Through the ButtonType property, you have the opportunity to define an action that is automatically performed when the button is pressed. After the call for the ChangeValue function, variable A retains the value 10. A simple way is to declare it as a Private or Public variable common to the main dialog routine and the event routine. LibreOffice Basic provides a range of tools for simplifying error handling. This type of assignment, however, can cause errors, date and time values are defined and displayed differently in different countries. The Diagram object provides the following properties to access the axes title: and for the secondary axes (available since 3.0): The objects for formatting the axes title are based on the service, which is also used for chart titles. The following example shows a procedure which terminates implementation when the ErrorOccured variable has the value True. There are four versions of the DoLoop. Once the Dlg dialog object has been initialized, you can use the Execute method to display the dialog. LibreOffice Basic provides the MkDir function for creating directories. The start() method of the object is used to start the example and run the screen presentation. creates both the C:\SubDir1\SubDir2 directory and the C:\SubDir1\SubDir2\SubDir3 directory. The values required (in the example, those from the CustomerNumber field) returns the ResultSet using the getString method, whereby the parameter 1 determines that the call relates to the values of the first column. Event-Driven Macros This section describes how to assign Basic programs to program events. You can also use plus (+) or minus (-) signs as prefixes for decimal numbers (again with or without spaces). Issue 31001 Issue 54049 Issue 91121 Issue 107277 are still not corrected. VBA: Whereas VBA summarizes the error messages in a statistical object called Err, LibreOffice Basic provides the Err, Error$, and Erl variables. To convert local file names into a URL, LibreOffice provides the ConvertToUrl function. VBA: The ParamArray keyword present in VBA is not supported in LibreOffice Basic. LibreOffice Basic supports Modules and Libraries. The descriptor objects for searching and replacing in spreadsheet documents are not created directly through the document object, but rather through the Sheets list. The getCount and getByIndex methods allow the list to be further processed and belongs to the interface. A database form corresponds to a standard LibreOffice form. Most word processing programs now finally provide the option of placing drawing objects, text frames and other objects within a text. The area highlighted by the TextCursor therefore begins after the seventh character in the text and ends after the tenth character. These commands stop the procedure or function and return the program to the point at which the procedure or function was called up. Here are the central methods of the interface: Whereas the getByIndex and getCount methods are available in all tables, the insertByIndex and removeByIndex methods can only be used in tables that do not contain merged cells. If you assign a floating point number to an integer variable, the number is rounded up or down to the next whole number. The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. For a multi-dimensional array you need to specify the position (1 to n) of the index you want to know the permitted lower and upper values: In some cases, especially when dealing with the API, you need to declare an empty array. , only be used in tables that do not get the type declaration symbol for a currency variable is.... Number of passes that are specified, these are presented in detail in the form of the object is to! 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